
Skills for Care

Skills for Care commissions, supports and delivers research to help achieve our vision and mission.

Skills for Care is a commissioner, a provider and an influencer of research into the adult social care workforce. We have a focus on applied, practical research and evaluation.

We benefit from strong partnerships and relationships with a broad range of stakeholders in the sector.

We're a partner of the IMPACT Centre – the UK Centre for Evidence Implementation in Adult Social Care; and we support the Centre for Care. We're members of the Social Research Association and the Charity Evaluation Working Group.

Our research principles are:

  • transparency
  • collaboration 
  • horizon scanning
  • rigour and impact
  • equality, diversity and inclusion.


DHSC publish results from survey on the work-related quality of life and wellbeing of the adult social care workforce

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) commissioned Ipsos, the University of Kent and Skills for Care to develop, design and conduct a survey of the adult social care workforce in England to measure work-related quality of life and wellbeing. This research was commissioned and conducted in 2023, but the findings are still relevant and provide insights and evidence to inform policy development to support the adult social care workforce.

The survey included questions on overall wellbeing, work related quality of life, experiences of harassment, abuse and bullying, learning and development and intentions to leave the sector. The survey data supplements existing evidence in the Adult Social Care Workforce Dataset (ASC-WDS), produced by Skills for Care.The findings are outlined in a report, which includes an executive summary. Other published outputs include a technical report and the data tables with responses to each question.

Access the findings from the research


Self-employed PAs (SEPAs)

We commissioned the Social Care Institute of Excellence (SCIE) to produce a review of the published literature around the following themes:

1. National policy and regulation relating to using direct payments and Personal Health Budgets (PHBs) to engage personal assistants (PAs)

2. Trends and preferences for accessing care and support at home

3. Attitudes towards and support for using SEPAs

4. How the local market for SEPAs operates

5. Support and guidance needed by SEPAs

6. Issues faced by and views of PA employers and people who engage SEPAs

Self-employed personal assistants (SEPAs) in adult social care - A review of literature (October 2022)


Benefits of recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce

We commissioned ICF to undertake a literature review of the benefits of recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce. The review found evidence to suggest a positive link between diversity and business performance, reduced costs and improved quality of care. Critical success factors include Leadership Team buy-in and putting policies in place.

Read a summary of the review and a list of tools and resources available to support employers.


What works in retaining staff in adult social care

Our State of the adult social care sector and workforce in England 2022 report showed that pay, travel to work distances, training and qualifications, and contract type are all factors that affect an employee's propensity to remain in an adult social care job.

Our study into new starters in adult social care found the best ways to retain new starters are to:

  • avoid zero-hours contracts
  • focus support on young starters
  • use values-based recruitment and retention practices
  • train new starters and aim to equip them with a social care qualification, to support their retention in adult social care, beginning with the Care Certificate
  • recruit locally, pay well and support staff wellbeing
  • provide high-quality induction and buddy schemes, clearer career pathways and ongoing training opportunities.

The second phase of the research will involve case studies of employers who have successfully retained new starters, for others to learn from.

In February 2021 we published an evidence review that showed that high turnover rates in adult social care are driven by a poor understanding of social care, lack of development and progression opportunities, job insecurity, low pay and poor terms and conditions.

Solutions to these challenges include values-based recruitment and retention, workforce planning, workforce development, career pathways, alternative delivery models and changing perceptions of social care. 

Find out more information on these topic areas (informed by our research):


Evidence review

This evidence review looked in depth at the workforce issues and opportunities faced by the adult social care sector. The review encompassed 190 academic, policy and other research and intelligence sources, and involved 13 stakeholder consultations.

This report informed our three-year strategy for Skills for Care and, we hope, has also informed the broader debate across the sector. The challenges and opportunities identified are not new:

  • overcoming recruitment and retention problems
  • workforce development; and
  • supporting workforce equality, diversity, inclusion and wellbeing.

Download the evidence review and sector consultation